Contemporary Skin Spa

Contemporary Skin Spa
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Laser Genesis!!

Laser Genesis is a very popular treatment at our spa because it treats common skin problems without any post-treatment down time. It’s designed to address pore size and texture, overall redness, rosacea, scars (especially acne scarring), and a condition called poikiloderma. Poikiloderma is patchy skin pigmentation with both light and dark areas and small broken capillaries. Laser Genesis is safe to use with any skin type, including dark and tanned skin, and it has very few possible complications.

The overall goal of Laser Genesis is to stimulate new collagen production. Collagen is that great tissue protein that we have so much of when we are young, but we lose as we get older. It keeps our skin soft, supple, plump, and young looking. You’ve probably already heard about collagen injections to fill wrinkles. More than one treatment is necessary to get the full effect of Laser Genesis, with the average being six treatments typically spaced 2 weeks apart. The full treatment effect is not immediate, either. Your skin continues to improve for months afterward. If you like, you can also do maintenance treatments every month or so afterwards. Our Medical Aesthetician, Marcy, often pairs a Laser Genesis treatment with a chemical peel. Her reasoning is that they both work together for a better overall effect. Laser Genesis stimulates new collagen formation and helps the tissue below the skin’s surface appear younger and healthier, while the chemical peel helps lift away the dull surface tissue and stimulate overall cell turnover.

My Experience

Okay, so here it goes. The first time I did this I was a little nervous. This was my first time at the spa, and I’d never done anything like this at all. The only thing that comes close is a couple of facials I had years ago which just caused my skin to break out. First, Marcy cleansed my face. Then she put on eye protecting shields and started the treatment, which lasted about 30 minutes from start to finish. While the laser was on it felt like a gentle sensation of warmth, sort of like getting a little sun on my face. It didn’t hurt at all. In fact, I thought it was pretty relaxing. Here's a photo of me having it done...

If you can imagine…I’m lying on Marcy’s comfy warm table with my eyes closed listening to groovy music and the hum of the machine, with my skin feeling warm and a bit energized, all the while knowing that I’m taking a step toward undoing some of the damage I’ve done to my skin over the years. The combination created an overall great experience. Afterward my cheeks were a little flushed. I could have reapplied my makeup at that point and returned to work and no one would have known. I was surprised at how quick and easy it was, with NO down time afterward. We finished with a chemical peel, which I’ll discuss in detail in my next blog posting.

I’ve now had three treatments and I'm starting to see a difference. My pores definitely appear smaller, but the main effect I’m noticing is an improvement in the redness and blotchiness. I don’t need to wear as much foundation to even out my skin tone. Overall, my skin is looking healthier and younger. My husband has noticed as well, which is nice. Of course, this is just the start, so stay tuned for more adventures at the Contemporary Skin Spa. Any questions or comments are welcome, and thanks for visiting!

COMING SOON…Chemical Peels!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to the Contemporary Skin Spa blog!

Hello everyone!

I'm Dr. Nedra Rice, the new physician at Contemporary Women’s Care. I’m originally from the Dallas area, but just recently moved back home. I’ve spent the last eight years in San Antonio going to medical school and then completing my ob/gyn residency.

A few weeks ago while unpacking a moving box I came across my wedding photos and I couldn’t help but notice how different my skin looks now. My husband and I were married in 2003 during my first year of medical school, just after my 30th birthday. Now, after four years of medical school, four years of residency, and two children, I can see the toll it’s taken on my skin.

I’ll admit, my teens and 20s were full of typical Texan sun worshipping. I’ve never been able to develop a great tan, but that didn’t stop me from trying! Like most of us when we’re that age, I didn’t worry much about the damage I was doing. I can also remember spending all day at the pool as a kid without wearing a bit of sunscreen, and the frequent sunburns that were just part of growing up in the South. Back then it just wasn’t that big of an issue. Times have sure changed, haven’t they? I’m quick to spray my 3 year old with spf 50 if there is any threat of a sunburn. I should have invested in Coppertone years ago!

I was lucky not to have problem skin as a teen, but in my 20s I developed mild to moderate acne. I kept it under pretty good control with topical treatments, “skin-friendly” birth control pills, and the occasional round of antibiotics. Then I started my ob/gyn residency at age 33 and my routine was thrown out the window, my diet consisted of whatever junk I could scarf down at the time, and 24-hour (plus) shifts become the norm. During my intern year we decided to have a child, which meant no more of those skin saving birth control pills and antibiotics. This all wreaked havoc on my skin and I soon developed more severe cystic acne. When it was all said and done I was left with my self-inflicted sun damage in addition to new scarring, dark and light blotches, and overall (what I consider) unhealthy appearing skin.

I've always been interested in skin care. During residency it was a regular occurrence for me to be asked to come take a look at some mystery rash or other skin ailment that no one could figure out. On September 1st I started my practice at Contemporary Women’s Care as Drs. Thomas’ and Franken’s new partner. When I told them about my interest in skin care both personally and professionally, they suggested I learn about the spa services by experiencing many of them first hand, and then sharing my experiences through this blog. I plan to start with a brief summary of why each treatment might be used, followed by a firsthand account of the process, and finishing with a description of the results. I’m going to be honest-if it hurts, I’ll say so. If I don’t see any results by the time I write the blog, I'll say so too, and I'll also keep you posted if something happens. This is my first attempt at anything remotely like this, so it will likely evolve over time as I get used to putting my thoughts out there for all to read. Any suggestions and/or questions are appreciated.

So once again, welcome to the new Contemporary Skin Spa blog…enjoy!

Look for the next post coming up very soon - Laser Genesis!!